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Welcome to the Toledo Choral Society!
Here you can find information about upcoming concerts, events, rehearsals, and more!
Check back often, as we frequently update this page
The Toledo Choral Society is hiring professional soloists for upcoming concerts in June
Concert date: Sunday, June 8th
Piece: Mozart's Reqiuem
Needed: Soprano, Alto and Bass soloists
Bernstein's Chichester Psalms
Needed: Boy soprano
Concert date: Sunday, June 22th
Bernstein's Chichester Psalms
Interested individuals click here for more info
2025 Upcoming Concerts
Mark your calendars!
Presale tickets available soon

Martin Luther King, Jr, Shabbat Service at Temple Shomer Emunim
The Toledo Choral Society was invited to join the congregation and guests at Temple Shomer Emunim for their Martin Luther King, Jr Shabbat on Friday, January 17
We enjoyed a Shabbat service and were joined by the choir from the Toledo School for the Arts as well as Bishop Chester "Chet" Trail to share music and words of love and hope

We hope you enjoy our Virtual Performance of Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus! We appreciated the opportunity to put this piece together, as it allowed us to collaborate and make music even though we were apart.
Join us!
Please see the 'Prospective Members' tab for complete details about audition requirements . Members are responsible for a yearly membership fee, performance attire, as well as costs for music rentals or purchases during the year. Members are also expected to attend a minimum number of rehearsals for each concert, which will be determined by the Director on a yearly basis.
Auditions will be held after rehesrsals in January!
Rehearsals are Mondays from 7p-9p beginning Monday, January 6
Rehearsals are at St Ursula Academy at 4025 Indian Road, Toledo. Use the main school entrance and find us in the choir room to the right of the main entrance.
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